How to do local SEO on Google: A Resource

Mastering local SEO on Google isn't just about playing the game; it's about setting the rules. This journey isn't merely technical—it's a craft that Hum Creative Co. has spent years mastering. It's about weaving your business into the fabric of your community, making your mark indelible in the minds and hearts of your local audience. Let's embark on a quest to transform your local business into a local legend, through the art and science of local SEO.

Plant Your Flag with Google My Business

Listen: Nobody actually cares about your business, so they aren’t going to search for you specifically. They are going to search for a solution… and you want to be the first business that pops up that speaks most clearly to the problem that needs solving. The first step in your local SEO odyssey is to claim your throne, and that throne is your Google My Business (GMB) listing. This isn't just a listing; it's your digital storefront, your first impression, and your declaration of presence in the local digital landscape. Ensure your GMB profile is not just filled out but crafted—with precision and passion. Every detail, from your business name to your hours, from your photos to your responses to reviews, tells a story. Make it compelling, make it rich, and make it true to the heart of your business.

Speak the Language of the Locals

Keywords are the spells you cast to make your business visible in the digital realm. But when it comes to local SEO, these aren't just any keywords; these are the words whispered in the streets, typed into smartphones at local coffee shops, and spoken in the conversations of your community. Your task is to weave these local keywords into the very fabric of your online presence—from your website's meta tags to your content, from your GMB description to your social media posts. Speak in the language of your locals, and Google will amplify your voice.

Forge a Tapestry of Local Links

In the realm of local SEO, links are the pathways that lead back to your business, each one a thread in the larger tapestry of your online presence. But not all links are created equal. Focus on building a network of local links—partnerships with other local businesses, mentions in local news outlets, and listings in local directories. These are the links that tell Google and your community that you are woven into the fabric of your local ecosystem.

Gather the Testimonials of Your Tribe

Reviews are the modern-day tales of your business, told by the very people you serve. Encourage your satisfied customers to leave their testimonials on your GMB listing and other relevant platforms. Respond to every review with gratitude and grace, for each review is a chapter in the story of your business. These testimonials not only bolster your reputation but signal to Google the trust and authority your business commands in the local landscape.

Chronicle Your Community Engagement

Your involvement in your community should be more than an afterthought; it should be a cornerstone of your local SEO strategy. Share your community events, sponsorships, and local charity work across your digital platforms. These activities not only build real-world connections but also enrich your local SEO efforts, painting a picture of a business that is deeply rooted in and committed to its local community.

Continuously Craft and Refine Your Presence

The quest for local SEO dominance is not a one-time endeavor; it's a continuous journey of refinement and adaptation. Stay attuned to the shifts in your local market, the evolving needs of your community, and the ever-changing landscape of Google's algorithms. Your ability to adapt, to refine, and to grow will determine the enduring legacy of your local business in the digital age.


Dominating local SEO on Google is an art form—a blend of technical savvy, community engagement, and storytelling. It's about making your business not just seen but felt, not just found but remembered. By planting your flag with a compelling Google My Business listing, speaking the language of the locals, forging a tapestry of local links, gathering the testimonials of your tribe, and chronicling your community engagement, you set the stage for your business to become a local legend. Remember, in the quest for local SEO supremacy, your greatest asset is your authentic connection to your community and your unwavering commitment to serving them.

Written by Jared Humphries, Chief Marketing Officer of Hum Creative Co.


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