Nobody Cares: How to Make People Give a Damn

You’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars building a business you believe in. Let’s say… it’s a “widget factory.” And nobody cares about it like you do. You feel absolutely crazy that people aren’t clamoring to get your special widget because you know it’s the best widget out there. Your advertisements talk nonstop about how you come from six generations of skilled artisan widget-crankers and how your patented widget-crafting process is state-of-the-art and the envy of widget-makers everywhere. “WHY DOES NOBODY WANT TO BUY MY WIDGET?!” you cry in frustration.

1. Why is advertising not working?

People just want to eat and live indoors. And if they get around to it, they want to be happy. They do not and will not give a single shit about your business unless you can communicate as quickly as possible how you will help them avoid disaster and realize a better future. If your ad doesn't scream, "Hey, this is how we'll make your life better!" it's likely falling on deaf ears. Your audience isn't interested in your business's heartwarming family saga (unless your business is selling memberships in your family). And your clientele doesn’t care about your patented process. They just want to immediately understand how you can feed them, secure them, or inspire them.

2. Why my ads are not performing?

Most ads suffer not because they lack good design or impressive visuals. Most of the time your ads aren’t getting a clear ROI because you’re making your clientele’s brains work too damn hard. Here’s a great example: ButcherBox offers “FREE BEEF FOR LIFE.” I know that no matter what happens after I click that ad… I’m getting food. Free food. For ever. And I like food. I want more food. Do I know exactly how much I’m going to pay? No. Am I going to research the competitors to see if the other butchers are actually cheaper? No way. They’re making me do work.

3. How do I design effective ads?

Advertising isn't a magic wand. It's more like a finicky pet that needs constant attention.

  • Know Your Audience: Obsess over who is most likely to click on your ads and target your messaging and offering towards that person. I know… everybody needs your widget. But not everybody is going to click your ad. So stay focused.

  • Hold Back the Word Vomit: Keep it simple. Nobody wants to decipher a riddle to figure out what you're selling.

  • Be a Critic: Point out their problems, their needs, and their desires.

  • Show Them the Future: “Imagine your life after this widget solves problem X.”

Bottom line? Nobody's losing sleep over your business. To make your ads sizzle, focus on how you can make your customers' lives better. No fluff, no history lessons—just clear, concise, and customer-centric messaging. Time to get real and start connecting with your audience!


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Meet Jared Humphries: Chief Marketing Officer, HUM Creative Co.