Meet Jared Humphries: Chief Marketing Officer, HUM Creative Co.

Originally featured December 6, 2023 in VoyageATL / Shoutout Atlanta Magazine

Jared and Amber Humphries, Hum Creative Company, Decatur GA Marketing

We had the good fortune of connecting with Jared Humphries and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jared, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
The central insight of HUM is that people only care about what they care about, and losing sight of that is what costs your business money. Humans are too busy trying to survive and thrive to care about us, you, this magazine, or so-and-so’s new venture unless it solves a problem or makes the future better. Everyone is so exhausted by the non-stop onslaught of content from businesses shouting about “exceptional customer service” or their storied family history because it just adds to the noise. After spending 20 years as full-time creative consultants, my wife and I finally put all our skills together under one roof to provide exhausted business owners and non-profits with automatic, done-for-you marketing that generates buzz and converts potential customers into raving fans.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
While most marketing firms prioritize data, we prioritize people. That is to say, local businesses are all competing for the same customers in the same locale, so dropping big bucks on digital ads and drip campaigns has diminishing returns. Our secret sauce combines messaging clarity, storytelling, and design to direct ideal customers towards your business… and only after that do we use all the nerdy, confusing marketing tools in our quiver to keep them engaged and emotionally involved. We are so proud of the fact that we’ve competed with the big data-first firms and grown HUM with simple, disciplined, imaginative problem-solving, because it’s in keeping with who we are.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Easy. We would introduce them to Waffle House, Muchacho, and all of our favorite Mexican and Korean spots on Buford Highway. We’d get tattoos at Liberty Tattoo, spend a few hours at the Clermont Lounge, and maybe end the night at Victory Sandwich Bar with an Ol’ One Two and a Vic-fil-A. But honestly, we’re almost 40 and have twin tweens, so by night two we’d be too exhausted to do anything more than walk around Downtown Decatur. And our friends are near 40 with kids too, so we would most likely end up on the couch watching Great British Baking Show and having esoteric conversations.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Without our friends Ryan and Courtney Fitzgerald, we would be nowhere. They are our sounding boards, support system, vacation pals, biggest fans, and general-all-around besties.

Jared Humphries Hum Creative Company Decatur GA


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Nobody Cares: How to Make People Give a Damn